Examples of cases with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe InDesign
This book is intended for beginners - both with the background and computer design - who want to learn the use of computer graphics software application in making graphic design. That this book covers the basics of graphic design and computer graphics, image processing, processing graphics, and page layout.
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign - a bagia Adobe Creative Suite 3 - selected as the tools to apply in graphic design because of the ease of use, features that are available and the level of compatibility between the three software. This book includes case examples image processing, making the card name, logotype, the layout of the magazine, an interactive portfolio, identification cards and calendars.
This book is intended for beginners - both with the background and computer design - who want to learn the use of computer graphics software application in making graphic design. That this book covers the basics of graphic design and computer graphics, image processing, processing graphics, and page layout.
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign - a bagia Adobe Creative Suite 3 - selected as the tools to apply in graphic design because of the ease of use, features that are available and the level of compatibility between the three software. This book includes case examples image processing, making the card name, logotype, the layout of the magazine, an interactive portfolio, identification cards and calendars.
ISBN: 978-979-29-0560-1
By: Amir Fatah Sofyan, Tonny Hidayat
14x21 cm, viii+136 Pages
1st Published, 2008
Price : Rp.37000
By: Amir Fatah Sofyan, Tonny Hidayat
14x21 cm, viii+136 Pages
1st Published, 2008
Price : Rp.37000
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Saat saya menulis ini, sudah ada 705 group yang terdiri dari pelajar/dosen/profesor tingkat SMU/SMK/Diploma/S1/S2 di seluruh dunia dengan 23.347 anggota. Di Indonesia sendiri, saat ini sudah ada 914 anggota dan 29 group. (red-dikutip dari : http://alexbudiyanto.web.id/2008/11/17/osum-open-source-university-meetup.html)
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